B2B,C2C,B2C Chinese,English website development service!
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Dong ba
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one b2c website
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2023-02-01 12:35:40
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Serviced Details:
Do You Need A Website ? So, I m finally taking the challenge head-on!
We are a local China's information technology firm, the firm has some experience engineers and artist team to do the website development work and software developement.They are familiar with some main stream technoloy, just like,Java,Php,ASP,My sql,Spring,Structs,Hibernate,etc.They also can design all kinds of B2B and B2C E-commerce website for you with Paypal payment interface for US$ or China's Alipay for RMB Yuan.

We provides custom, business oriented, web development & technology solutions including e-commerce storefronts, Flash animations, content management systems (CMS), database design, web hosting, site maintenance, Chinese search engine optimization services (SEO), Chiense search engine marketing (SEM) and more.

Wherever you are in your development cycle, we'll work with you to create an exceptional web experience for your audience. We work with each client individually analyzing their specific objectives, and cater our solutions to meet the unique requirements of each project.

Whether you are looking to redesign your existing site, add new features or functionality, or create a new web site, we take your idea and make it happen. email us to discuss your project.

With the rapid development of China's Economic,more and more business oportunity is attacting the businessmen from worldwide to spread their business activity in China.An atractive Chinese website and strong promotion in China's google (baidu.com) is more important for a succesful busniesss in China.If you need the translation work of English to Chinese or China host,the price can be asked.

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